Picture Shop colorists shortlisted for two FilmLight Colour Awards The FilmLight Colour Awards celebrate the art of colour across the world and the program aims to reflect the cultural, visual, and technical values of the international colour grading community. The Colour Awards have been organized in association with professional bodies and are open to colourists using any grading technology, with the winners announced at EnergaCAMERIMAGE 2021 in Poland.Picture Shop would like to congratulate all of the colorists who were shortlisted and the winners. And a very special congratulations to Picture Shop Supervising Colorist Steven Bodner on being short-listed for his work on The Queen’s Gambit and Picture Shop Senior Colorist and Director of Creative Workflow Tony D’Amore on his win for his work on Fargo ‘S4’.


Image Credit: PHIL BRAY/NETFLIX | Credit: Phil Bray/Netflix

TV Series/Episodic

  • COLOR: Steven Bodner (prior to Picture Shop)


Image Credit: Elizabeth Morris / FX

TV Series/Episodic WINNER

  • COLOR: Tony D’Amore

For more information on the FilmLight Colour Awards, please visit: https://www.filmlight.ltd.uk/store/category/filmlight-colour-awards-2021/